Dear Church Family,
As we resume our gathered worship services, we want to meet in as safe and responsible a way as possible:
1. First of all, If you haven't already, please sign up ASAP for this week's gathered worship service here:
We will seat up to 200 in our Worship Center (including the balcony), and, if needed, up to 100 in our Fellowship Hall. All seating will be "socially distanced". You will receive an email on Saturday letting you know where to sit, and ushers will also be available to help you when you arrive on Sunday morning. If you have any underlying health conditions, or are not feeling well on Sunday, please join us via Live Stream from home.
2. We ask you to plan to arrive between 10:00 (when front and side doors to the WC and FH will open) and 10:10 am on Sunday; we ask everyone to be in their assigned seats before 10:15.
- Please take your seat and spend a few moments in quiet prayer preparing for worship.
- We would like you to keep your entire family together before and after the service.
- At this time nursery will not be provided
- We plan to end the service promptly by 11:30.
3. We will provide hand sanitizer and masks on tables outside the entrances. ** The Elders ask that all who are able to wear a mask when not seated inside the Worship Center. Masks are optional when seated and when outside. We will make every effort to minimize hand contact (we will not be passing the offering plate, bulletins will be in seats, doors will be open when you arrive, etc.)
4. We have thoroughly cleaned our facilities; we also have a volunteer team that will clean the restrooms during the service. Still, it is a safe practice to have as few people in the restrooms as possible, so please help your children use the restroom right before leaving home.
5. We elders ask you to please not stand and fellowship with one another inside the buildings, but to reserve fellowship for outside the buildings after the service (but still keeping your family together). We ask you to please refrain from hugs and handshakes and to do your best to maintain the physical distancing requirement of 6 feet outside your family unit.
We know that this will be challenging. Many of us haven't seen each other for a long time, and yet we are going to need to express our love with words rather than touch. We are in this together: How we all do at this affects not only safety, but testimony (to visitors and our community), and will in part determine how quickly we can open up more in the future.
I look forward to worshipping Christ with you this coming Sunday, and am praying for an attitude of Ephesians 4:1-3 for all of us: "Walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."
This Sunday we will meditate on the beautiful truths of Romans 8:31-32: "What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?"
Our God is FOR us!
Pastor Troy