adult ministries

men's ministry

The purpose of men’s ministry is to facilitate spiritual growth by sharing through men’s Bible studies, men’s groups, men’s fellowships, men’s retreats, and mentoring/accountability relationships by the way of sharing ideas, struggles and blessings while encouraging each other, and holding each other accountable. 

"Faithful Men" Study Group

Meets Tuesday Mornings from 5:30 to 7:00 AM, in the Conference Room. The forum for “Faithful Men” is STUDY (sharing insights on Christian-based study materials), overall life sharing, and praying for one another! We share the facilitator position. WE ENCOURAGE MEN TO JOIN US ANY TIME. Contact Ron Moore @ 850-226-3895

Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

Meets every third Saturday from 8:00 to 9:30 AM, in Genesis Hall. Enjoy fellowship, a guest speaker, and good food

Men’s Night Out

An annual Men’s Saturday Night Dinner & Program in the Fall. 

Men’s Annual Retreat

The RBBC Men’s Annual Retreat takes place in February of each year. This retreat attracts about 100 attendees for Friday night and all day Saturday. The retreat consists of Fellowship, Worship, Godly teaching, testimonies, Lord’s Supper, meals, and plenty of junk food.

Where Can You Serve?

  • Men’s Retreat Planning & Execution
  • Men’s Breakfasts (Cooks, Food Buyer, etc.)
  • Logistics (sign ups, set up, publicity, handouts, etc.)
  • Operations (speaker(s), worship, drama, host, clean-up, etc.)

Women's ministry

RBBC’s Women’s Ministry exists to fulfill the biblical mandate of Titus 2.

Investing in the lives of women, teaching them to love God’s truths, modeling godly disciplines, and becoming women of faith, hope, and love.


A major focus of our women’s ministry is the Word. Women’s Bible Studies are offered Tuesday AM and Wednesday PM. New classes begin in August and January. Childcare is available by reservation for some studies. 


Various events, held throughout the year, are times to meet new ladies and enjoy a short topical teaching.


All women are encouraged to use the talents and gifts God has given them to serve at RBBC. There is a place for every woman to minister.


Annual retreats involve a weekend of worship and the Word. Retreats are alternately held at the church and at an off-site retreat center.

Contact Bethany Smith for more information.

The Gideons International

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For info about The Gideons in our local area, contact Kerry King at 850-830-4329.