In light of our mission as a local body of believers we desire for every member of Rocky Bayou Baptist Church to:
- GROW in their knowledge, love, and devotion to God.
- CONNECT with other believers in small groups for the sake of
experiencing genuine Christian community.
- SHARE their unique God-given gifts and talents for the good of the
body of Christ and a lost unbelieving world.
Through Corporate Worship & Bible Fellowships
To help us grow in knowledge, love, and devotion to God, we gather weekly to participate in Bible Fellowships and take part in corporate worship in which God's Word is preached, taught, sung and prayed.
Through Life Groups
Life Groups are designed to help every member of Rocky connect to a small group of believers for the sake of experiencing genuine Christian community.
Life Groups are bite-sized expressions of the great local body that exist to provide C.A.R.E. for each member of our church.
Community: Life Groups serve as a means of “plugging” people into the life, family, and ministries of Rocky. Small groups provide relational connectivity that is often difficult to foster in large group gatherings.
Accountability: Life Groups provide ideal environments for discipleship. Within loving and caring small groups, individuals can be challenged to fulfill their God-given roles as husbands, wives, parents, and active members of the body of Christ.
Relationships: We believe that it is important to forge meaningful Christian relationships with other believers that we might “bear one another’s burdens” ( Galatians 6:2 ) and “lift up” ( Ecclesiastes 4:10 ) each other. We believe Life Groups help best facilitate this goal. Life Groups also help in providing pastoral care for each member of their group and are often “first-responders” to needs that occur within each household. Life Groups play a key role in keeping pastors and elders informed of needs within the body and provide assistance in meeting those needs. Having a multitude of Life Groups ensure that attendees of Rocky are being cared for.
Encouragement: We believe that real life change takes place from one source alone; a right relationship with God through Jesus Christ ( 2 Corinthians 5:17 ). Therefore, Life Groups seek to encourage the development and maturation of spiritual disciplines in the lives of its members that the Word of God might transform and shape minds and hearts in accordance with the perfect will of God ( Romans 12:2 ).
Through Ministry & Missions
We believe that the Bible clearly teaches that every believer has been uniquely gifted and shaped by God. Because of this we are committed to encourage every member of Rocky to actively use their unique gifting to both edify the church and evangelize the lost.
Rocky has numerous ministries in place for members to use their gifting:
- Preschool Ministry
- Children’s Ministry
- Youth Ministry
- Young Adult Ministry
- Men’s Ministry
- Women’s Ministry
- Music Ministry
- HUB Visitor Center
- Counseling Ministry
- Deaconship
- Eldership
We also provide numerous opportunities for every believer to play their part in fulfilling the Great Commission.
- Local & Foreign Mission Opportunities
- Life Group Outreach
- The Heights Tutoring Ministry
- Christmas Outreach
- Prison Ministry
- Disaster Relief