You will grow in your walk with Christ
In a Life Group setting you will learn to apply God’s word, ask questions, participate in a discussi
on, and hear others share insights and illustrations of the truth from the Bible. The Bible must be applied to your own
personal situations and that happens best in Life Groups.
You will begin to really connect with God’s family
Most people who have been a part of a group say the greatest benefit is the close relationships and
friendships that develop. Life Groups provide excellent support in many areas of life including times of crisis,
change, and stress. You’ll have a sense of stability and security knowing there are people who really care for
you and are committed to standing with you. When someone loses a job, or a family member has an extended
illness, or a mother needs a babysitter-these are practical needs that will be naturally taken care of through
your Life Group. You’ll discover that your needs and problems are not unique....We’re all in the same boat. It
helps to know that others are facing the same difficulties, or have lived through them and learned spiritual
principles in the process. God never meant for you to go it alone in the Christian life. If you’re lonely, the
answer to your problem is to join a group.
You will have a natural way to share Christ with friends, relatives, and work associates
It may be that some of your friends who don’t know the Lord wouldn’t be caught dead in a church. They have
a preconceived idea and just the thought makes them defensive. But those same people may be open to an
invitation to a casual Bible discussion in a home or office setting. In a Life Group, your unbelieving friend can
ask questions and express honest doubts without feeling "put on the spot". When your friend sees the love
and warmth and honesty of your group, it will make him more receptive to the Good News.
You will develop skills and abilities you never knew you had
The Bible teaches that every believer is given certain talents or "gifts" to benefit others in the family of God.
Unfortunately most Christians remain as Sunday morning spectators all their lives because large group
meetings are primarily "sit and listen" situations. As you share and participate in a relaxed Life Group setting,
you’ll discover your confidence and self-esteem rising as you understand more of who God created you to be.
This will help you at work, at church, and in every other relationship.
You will deepen your understanding of worship
Many believers mistakenly believe that worship can only happen on Sunday morning in a large group with a
sermon, a choir, and an offering plate! Worship happens anytime we focus on God. Sometimes that happens
best in a smaller group by praying or singing together.
You will be a New Testament Christian
The book of Acts is very clear about how God intends for His people to grow and have their needs met in the
church. We will never be able to hire enough paid pastors to meet all the individual needs in our family. God
never intended for it to be that way!