Job Description:
The Childcare Director is under the supervision of the Children’s Ministry Director.
The following are duties/areas for responsibility to be managed by the Childcare Director.
- Maintain a roster of volunteers.
- Monthly nursery schedule, communicate this schedule via Planning Center; email, snail mail.
- Enlist and encourage caregivers and coordinators through building relationsips.
- Oversee the work of the nursery during the regularly scheduled church activities.
- Provide support and childcare venues for AWANA, Women’s Ministry, Men’s Ministry, Music Ministry and other sanctioned RBBC children’s ministry functions.
Attend Tuesday morning staff meetings to coordinate with church leadership the needs for childcare for upcoming events.
- Room order and cleanliness and general maintenance of building and rooms
- Purchase of all snacks, diaper changing supplies, and cleaning and laundry supplies
- Printed material (schedules, calendars, fliers, posted words on walls, sign-in sheets, Nursery Policies and Procedures Manual)
- Paid Personnel
- Enlist a team of paid personnel for special ministry and body events as requested.
- Network with area churches
- Supply paid personnel for but not limited to: Bible studies, Wednesday evening activities, Sunday Evening Activities, Choir Rehearsals, Conferences, Special Events
- In conjunction with Children’s Ministry Director supervise training of Nursery Coordinators, Paid Personnel, Volunteers, Student Volunteers, Facility Janitors.
- Assist with and attend the Children and Youth Volunteer Orientation Seminar.
- Work with Children’s Ministry Director, Building Facilitator, Staff to oversee any changes in rooms or procedures.
- Security policies and procedures for normal operation as well as for special events.
Submit budget request annually to Children’s Ministry Director. This budget should include but is not limited to the following: supplies, snacks, toys, books, furniture/equipment, paid salaries, building repairs (to be submitted to Building Planner).
Be familiar with the security policies and procedures for all RBBC ministries.
Seek to meet and get to know potential new families.
Observe potential new families and members for an extended period of time before approaching them to serve in or around RBBC children.
Encourage potential volunteers to attend the Discover Rocky class.
Consult with the Discover Rocky instructor regarding potential ministry volunteers.
Training is essential to retaining volunteers and paid personnel. Keep the staff informed of policies and procedures and note changes as they occur
Post policies and expectations in the buildings and individual classroom
Insist your volunteers and paid personnel attend a by-yearly Child Protection Class
Use various venues to keep your staff informed; Planning Center; newsletters, email, printed and/or copied material pertinent to children’s issues.
Work in conjunction with the Children’s Ministry Director, pastors, elders to secure adequate training opportunities for parents, volunteers, and paid personnel.
Essentials to retaining volunteers, paid personnel, families:
- Pray for them and with them.
- Provide a warm and welcoming atmosphere that promotes the love of Christ.
- Be sincere, genuine, and truthful.
- Establish and build a relationship with your people, through service together, work alongside them and be willing to go above and beyond what you expect of them.
- Ask their advice concerning issues, they are on the front lines, their input is invaluable.
- Respect and enjoy them.
- For paid personnel—pay them well for their service, confront issues quickly and biblically.
- Communicate thoroughly and often.
- Fellowship with them outside of your “job” time.
- Take the time to listen to their concerns, needs, ideas, and thoughts.
- Look parents and children in the eye, get down on a child’s level.
- Follow up with visitors, issues that happen during an event, volunteers who miss a scheduled time, etc.
- Abide by Romans 12
If interested in this part-time position, please contact the office at